Q-Tip 10/12/20

October 12, 2020

Happy Monday my friends,

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. The inspirational message I happened upon for today really hit home for me as I am sure it may for many of you. Life deals us many ups and downs but it is the way in which we handle ourselves through these times, that is a testament to our strength and resolve. No matter what you are facing, remember faith and trust will get you through the hard times and things will work out as they are supposed to. We may not always understand the meaning or outcome but everything in life happens for a very specific reason and purpose.


“Suffering isn’t ennobling, recovery is.”(Christian Barnard)

We’ve all heard that suffering makes us stronger, that we learn from our difficulties. This may be true, but not in the simple way we might think. Difficult times don’t make us better; working through difficult times does. Suffering can force us to draw on strengths we never knew we had. Discovering these hidden strengths can then help us cope should difficult times come again.


I hate bad times as much as anyone does, but I know I’m strong enough to get through them and recover from them.(Linda Picone)

Hey Little Fighter soon things will be brighter. (Bloomplanners.com)

Things are seldom what they seem. (Sir William S. Gilbert)

Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are stiffened. (Billy Graham)

Believe not because some old manuscripts are produced, believe not because it is your national belief, believe not because you have been made to believe from your childhood, but reason truth out, and after you have analyzed it, then if you find it will do good to one and all, believe it, live up to it and help others live up to it. (Buddha)

If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, you don’t. If you’d like to win but think you can’t, it’s almost certain you won’t. Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man, but sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can. (Walter D. Wintle)

To all who have or ever will go through tough times, stay strong, know there is always someone there to offer an ear for listening , a shoulder for comforting and a loving heart for caring.

Wishing everyone a wonderful week,

Susie Q for QSPAC signing off 


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